Professional Career
This is an incomplete professional History. We will be adding to it from time to time.
1981 to 1997:
Private Consulting Rooms at 1 East Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone. He was Sierra Leone’s only consulting cardiologist, well as being the most famous doctor in Sierra Leone. (this clinic included commercial retainers,consulting for international organizations, some research into hypertension as well as other conditions, philanthropic activities, such as helping to organize treatment for critical patients abroad, an example of which would be children suffering from “hole in the heart” conditions etc. He helped to partly finance such patients and also to find complete funding for the patient and his or her parents or family members to travel with them for treatment. This was all done, using his network of specialists doctors located around the world.
He took the unusual step of paying for the prescriptions of a good number of his patients) His first private clinic started at Gloucester street Freetown, as an evening clinic.
1985 to 1992:
Physician to the President Major General Joseph Saidu Momoh (President Republic of Sierra Leone 1985 to 1992).
1971 to 1985:
Physician to the President Dr. Siaka Stevens.
(President of Sierra Leone 1971 to 1985).
Physician in Charge responsible for heads of states for the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) conference in Freetown 1980 ( Dr. Eleady-Cole would visit the chalet of heads of state and would conduct routine medical examinations. As a result, he developed working relationships with lots of African leaders).
FRCP granted in Edinburgh (made fellow of the Royal College of Physicians).
Founder/Member of the West African College of Physicians.
Intensive Care Unit: Setup and managed the Intensive Care Unit at Connaught Hospital Freetown
Conducted extensive research into Diabetes and Highblood Pressure.
1969 – 1970:
Advanced cardiac Research: after various appointments, worked with Professor Robert Bruce, father of exercise cardiology, pioneer of the treadmill exercise regime The Bruce Protocol. This took place at the University of Washington, Seattle.
Passed his membership exams, and returned to Sierra Leone as a senior registrar. He held various clinical appointments. Became a senior Registrar after passing the membership in 1967. He worked at the Children’s Hospital (the cottage hospital) and was transferred to Hill station Hospital Freetown.
1965 to 1967:
Cardiological clinical attachments under Dr. R.W.D. Turner at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh as well as other appointments. Further Cardiology work done at the Royal London Hospital and at the Post Graduate Hospital in Hammersmith, London. RHEC was also pursuing the membership course.
School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, England.
Physician to Sir Milton Margai ( Sir Milton was Sierra Leone’s first prime minister post independence. As a young doctor, RHEC was called to treat Sir Milton when he took ill during the 1964 Independence anniversary. He was initially one of a few doctors, but was selected to treat Sir Milton. The young Dr. Eleady-Cole was invited to cabinet, and was appointed doctor to the Prime Minister. He gave his candid opinion and was respected during a tense and highly political situation. This was a short appointment as Sir Milton died not too long after.
Appointed Sierra Leone Government Medical officer, Ministry of Health: He worked in Bo (second largest city in Sierra Leone, and Pujehun where he had the opportunity of holding clinics in the villages. He had to multi task, delivering babies, judging disputes, regular GP services etc. Grateful villagers would bring him chickens, and cattle, and some were so grateful, they named their children after him. He often had to reach some of his patients by using unstable little canoes (small boats made from trees) Appointed Sierra Leone Government medical officer for 14months.
St. Margaret’s Hospital: Surgical and medical house appointment at St.Margaret’s Hospital, Epping 1961.
Royal London Hospital: Clinical work at Royal London Hospital 1956 – 61 and Qualified as MB BCHIR.
1954 – 1957:
Read for the Natural Science Tripos at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge University.
Commercial and Retainer Relationships:
Dr. R.H.Eleady-Cole had commercial or consultant Relationships with: Shell, Civil Aviation Organisation, Merck, Sharp and Dome, various Harley Street Clinics, Safecon, Mobil Oil, United Kingdom High commission (SL), United States Embassy (SL), United Nations Organisations, Sierra National Airlines, Seed Multiplication (German), Gambian Embassy (SL), Russian Embassy (SL), De beers and its Subsidiaries, National Diamond Mining company (SL), Sierra Fisheries Company (SL), Reliance Insurance Company, National Insurance Company, Bank of Sierra Leone, Barclays Bank (SL), Sierra Leone Postal Company, Nigerian Embassy (SL), Texaco.
He was the company doctor and consultant for more than a hundred other sierra Leonean and international companies and organizations in sectors such as aviation, mining, manufacturing, diplomatic, financial services and governmental.
NB: A complete biography is available upon request. Please send all requests to