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Celebrating the life of Dr. Reginald Haworth Eleady-Cole
Philanthropist, Cardiologist, People’s doctor


“The desire of Sir Milton to have Karefa-Smart succeed was also confirmed by Dr. R.H. Eleady-Cole, then a young and promising practitioner and one of those attending to the health of the ailing Prime Minister”

Taken from Page 230 in Sierra Leone: The agony of a Nation written by AKK

Dr. Reginald Haworth Eleady-Cole was a renouned physician and philanthropist who excelled in both medical research as well as medical practice.
He also became physician to all heads of state in Sierra Leone from its first Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai and various presidents of Sierra Leone until his death.

Dr. Eleady-Cole grew his private practice at no 1 East Street, Freetown into Sierra Leone’s most successful medical practice. He was not only the recommended doctor by most foreign embassies and outposts in Sierra Leone, he represented the International Civil Aviation Organisation in Sierra Leone certifying pilots that flew in and out of Sierra Leone, he also had retainer contracts with various corporates from Shell, De beers and other numbering over 200 corporate firms and numerous private patients.


Reginald Haworth Eleady-Cole was born on the 2nd of January 1929, to George and Rebecca Eleady-Cole. He was the youngest child of his parents who had made their home in central Freetown, after building successful commercial enterprises in the city. The Eleady-Coles were a highly respected family with a reputation for Christian charity…

Professional Career

Physician in Charge responsible for heads of states for the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) conference in Freetown 1980 ( Dr. Eleady-Cole would visit the chalet of heads of state and would conduct routine medical examinations. As a result, he developed working relationships with lots of African leaders).

“…The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.”
Lao Tzu (chinese philosopher)

Dr. Eleady-Cole together with Professor Robert Bruce (often referred to as the father of exercise cardiology)  of the Robert Ballard Hospital in Seattle, Washington in the United States, conducted key research into the field of exercise cardiology and around the Bruce’s Protocol which is the so called treadmill exercise cardiology. This research is still being used today in the field of sports medicine as well as general cardiology. His work is often cited to this day by medical institutions and professionals to this day.

Dr. Eleady-Cole used his good fortune and contacts to help those less fortunate. Unknown to most is that he paid for the schooling and upbringing for dozens of children, supported various people financially and organised for multiple children who had heart conditions to be treated in the United Kingdom by some of the world’s top heart surgeons. These families often were poor, so Dr. Eleady-Cole would not only organise for the treatment and surgery to be free of charge, he would either pay for the child’s and a parent or guardian’s air ticket and accommodation or get a corporate firm to sponsor it. He ended up saving the lives of numerous children.

He was an extra-ordinary man who achieved huge success in most things he did. The good that he did in his lifetime can never be fully chronicled but this site will keep his memory and example alive for the world.

Personal Reflections

It is customary when eulogizing to convey a saintly image of a person, highlighting their virtues while artfully sidestepping those uncomfortable truths. I make no apologies for following the rule, in so for the relatively brief period I knew him, those were all I saw.

Unknown Facts

In the early years of President Siaka Stevens reign, he had an accident. A panel of doctors were summoned. Dr. Eleady-Cole was chosen to accompany the president for treatment abroad. He later became a trusted friend and personal physician to the president, visiting numerous countries with the President.

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